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Design Visualization

This committee is open to design professionals, students, and any interested person. We will switch up between a lecture and roundtable format depending on the topic and presenter. Our goal is to create more than a monthly meeting; more than merely a committee, but a COMMUNITY.

Our hope is to bring together professional designers within our industry, students, architectural visualization artists, graphic artists, computer game designers, and others into a conversation to explore the many media options available today (and in the future) to best communicate our ideas DURING THE DESIGN PROCESS within design teams and with decision makers to help shape the built environment.

We take a very broad view of visualization media including classic pencil-sketched diagrams, photo-realistic rendered images, animations, data visualization, physical model-making / prototyping, as well as cutting-edge interactive and immersive environments such as Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. Come join the conversation - share and learn together to grow the community as we grow ourselves and help each of us to better visualize design.

Sign up to receive committee alerts by email.


Michael Kyes AIA / [email protected]
Ken Goulding / [email protected]

Digital Tools for Urban Design—Making the Invisible Visible

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Digital Tools for Urban Design—Generating Design

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Moving Pictures

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