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Community Impact

Jul 25, 2024

Transforming the Meeting House

A Community-Driven Vision

Combo Screenshot 2024 07 25 at 3 57 20 PM

Capture courtesy of BIMStream. Photo by Ben Peterson, BSA.

The Meeting House is embarking on an ambitious project to transform underutilized spaces at the Second Church of Dorchester in Codman Square, such as the basement, kitchen, and event hall. This initiative aims to better serve community needs through a collaborative, community-driven process, balancing immediate safety upgrades with broader design concepts while addressing urgent concerns and visionary goals.

Historically, The Meeting House has faced challenges in realizing these transformations due to the need for comprehensive understanding of opportunities, constraints, complex life-safety issues, and accessibility requirements. Limited resources and lack of professional design guidance have contributed to the complexity of these efforts over time.

BIMStream Steps Up

BIMStream contributed their services pro bono and created a detailed, interactive 3D model of the building using their advanced scanning technologies and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software. BIM is a process that uses intelligent 3D models to help the entire design cycle (plan, design, construct, and manage buildings) in more efficient ways. This model will aid the design team in validating findings, prioritizing areas for intervention, and engaging stakeholders in the visioning process.

The BIM model allows The Meeting House team to analyze current conditions, explore programming options, and develop preliminary concepts. It enables data-driven decision-making and supports the exploration of preliminary programming options. Additionally, it serves as a tool for communicating the vision to the community and potential funders.

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BIMStream team member collecting scans in the Second Church of Dorchester.

Photo by Ben Peterson, BSA.

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BIMStream team member collecting scans of the main congregation space on the first floor.

Photo by Ben Peterson, BSA.

What comes next?

Next steps include continued stakeholder involvement through structured workshops and feedback loops, developing a detailed phasing plan, and creating an implementation framework that balances immediate safety needs with long-term vision. The project’s success will be measured by increased community engagement, successful implementation of the design guidelines, and the long-term sustainability of The Meeting House as a community resource center.

How You Can Get Involved

The Meeting House is inviting community members and stakeholders to actively participate in the visioning process. Your input is crucial in shaping a space that truly reflects community needs and aspirations. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Attend Workshops: Join scheduled workshops and charrettes to share your ideas, concerns, and dreams for the transformed spaces.
    Join us at the Designing Just Futures Summit in September.
  • Provide Feedback: Participate in feedback loops, surveys, and community meetings to ensure your voice is heard.
  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to support the planning and implementation phases.
  • Spread the Word: Help raise awareness about the project by talking to friends, family, and neighbors.

Together, we can build a community hub that not only meets immediate needs but also paves the way for a brighter future.

Looking Ahead

The transformation of The Meeting House is more than a renovation project; it's a community-driven endeavor that aims to create a lasting positive impact on Codman Square. With the support of BIMStream and the active participation of the community, The Meeting House is well on its way to becoming a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable resource center. Keep an eye out for further updates and don't miss the opportunity to contribute to this exciting journey.

Stay tuned for updates on this transformative project that aims to create a vibrant, accessible, and responsive community hub.

If you have questions or are looking for more information on getting involved with this project and similar initiatives, reach out to Ben Peterson ([email protected]), the BSA’s Community + Collaborative Design Program Manager, and attend the Designing Just Futures Summit.

Thank you to the team at BIMStream for sharing their process and image captures with us!

