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Global Design Initiative for Refugee Children

In recognition of the growing human migration and displacement due to violence, famine and persecution, and in anticipation of the foreseeable migration of climate refugees, globally, nationally, and to the New England area, the Global Design Initiative for Refugee Children was established in 2016 to facilitate the design and construction of communal space for refugee children and young adults living in temporary encampments globally. Healing children, traumatized by violence and displaced by conflict, by creating safe places for play and learning is an important aspect of the mission. Play, as recognized by psychologists and educators, is a critical part of educating and preparing a future generation to one day return and rebuild their communities.

The Global Design Initiative for Refugee Children is led jointly with the Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA).


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Patti Seitz AIA LEED AP / [email protected]
Shirine Boulos Anderson AIA LEED AP / [email protected]