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Small Practices: LEGO Serious Play Activity: Branding Your Business (In-Person)

Lego Workshop 5 31 23

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  • COST

    Free and open to the public.

  • TYPE

    Knowledge Community



LEGO Serious Play Activity: Branding Your Business

Are you clear about communicating what you offer prospective clients and why someone should hire you and your firm? What makes your brand unique in a sea of similar competitors? Bill Fleming is back to lead a fun and fruitful activity using LEGO Serious Play methodology (yes, with real LEGOs!) to help independents and micro-firms gain clarity to articulate their brand—from value propositions, to positioning statements, to brand pillars.

NOTE: this is an IN-PERSON activity at BSA Space in Boston (not online).

Who is Bill Fleming?

Bill is a local business consultant & brand strategist for design firms. His specialty is working with micro-businesses—from solo practitioners to firms with less than 20 employees. His clients include Rest Design, Silverman Trykowski Associates, and KMA. Bill also teaches Professional Practices in Design at Lesley Art + Design. More at