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What do we know about how to quantify daylight and its use in design?

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    1 LU AIA credit available

This is a sponsored event by the IES Boston and Rhode Island section.

Designers will learn how to best illustrate to their clients how they are successfully using daylight for maximum occupant benefit in their buildings. Quantification of light has been done for many decades in the field of electrical lighting design, yet daylight quantification is still an evolving methodology for architects and other designers. Participants in this talk will be asked to actively engage in questions relating to their feelings and experiences in this inexact science.

This talk will discuss different strategies that have been taken to quantify daylight and how they relate to people, the end consumers. Originally daylight was promoted for energy efficiency to offset the loads of electrical lighting systems. More recently, though, human benefits have been a primary driver. But how to create metrics that are as easy to use and standard as the electrical field to both set client expectations and allow architects to illustrate outstanding performance?

A case study will detail how types of metrics including annual, climate-based, visual and human factors can influence your design work. This will also include a discussion of different types of modeling techniques for basic and advanced daylight products and materials. Lastly, this talk will discuss strategies for daylight and electric light integration.